vortex breakdown

英 [ˈvɔːteks ˈbreɪkdaʊn] 美 [ˈvɔːrteks ˈbreɪkdaʊn]

网络  涡旋破碎; 涡破碎; 涡破裂; 涡旋崩溃; 旋涡破裂



  1. It is shown that the unsteady fluctuation characteristics of the flow become highly obvious after the vortex breakdown, which exert a significant impact on the aeroelastic characteristics of the wing.
  2. The procedure of the vortex breakdown transition at high angle of attack over a delta wing is investigated numerically by solving the unsteady full Navier Stokes equation.
  3. The effects of trailing edge jets on the vortex breakdown location over a delta wing
  4. The vortex breakdown results in the low-energy fluid accumulating on the casing wall spreads out remarkably, which has a large blockage effect on incoming flow.
  5. Experimental Investigation for the Effects of Vectored Trailing-Edge Jets on the Leading-Edge Vortex Breakdown of a Double Delta Wing
  6. The transonic separated flows around a pitching delta wing and vortex breakdown and aerodynamics characteristics are studied numerically.
  7. Spectrum analysis reveals the frequency characteristics of vortex breakdown point oscillation and spiral wave.
  8. In the process of generation and evolution of vortex breakdown, the variation rule of the primary vortex sectional topological structures along the core maintain unchanged, because the vortex breakdown does not change the rules of vortex stretching and compression.
  9. The influence on the position of vortex breakdown by spiral forcing harmonic oscillation on form
  10. Analysis of Oscillating Characteristics of Spiral Vortex Breakdown
  11. The unstable vortex and vortex breakdown are the main features of unsteady flow near the core of leading edge vortex around a delta wing at high incidence.
  12. Based on the Brown and Michael vortex model for slender wings, the influence of vortex breakdown on the aerodynamic characteristics of slender wings is simulated by distributing sources along the vortex axes.
  13. On the basis of functional analysis and the linear aerodynamic theories, the aerodynamic models including in dynamic stall, vortex breakdown, hysteresis effect are built up by rational simplified assumption.
  14. Experimental investigations on the unsteady characteristics of vortex breakdown over delta wing
  15. Experiments of flow visualization and dynamic pressure measurement were carried out in a water channel and a wind tunnel respectively to research oscillations of the vortex breakdown location over delta wings.
  16. An investigation of the effect of the nonuniform field feature around a delta-wing on the separated vortex breakdown
  17. The solitary wave theory of the weakly nonlinear, non-axisymmetric disturbances is used to model the spiral vortex breakdown.
  18. The study of transonic dynamic stall and vortex breakdown over a delta wing
  19. The method is only suitable for the nonlinear problem caused by detached vortex of wing before vortex breakdown.
  20. In this paper, the influence on the position of vortex breakdown by spiral forcing harmonic oscillation are analyzed and calculated by using nonlinear wave theory, and an experiment on the effect of exerting different frequencies oscillation on vortex breakdown position is conducted in the vortex generator.
  21. This paper also presents analysis of the flow features ahead and behind of the leading edge vortex breakdown and the topological features of section streamlines.
  22. The phenomenon of the leading edge vortex breakdown and its effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of the wings;
  23. Theoretical investigation of separated vortex motion and vortex breakdown feature
  24. A Calculation of Influence of Vortex Breakdown on Aerodynamic Characteristics for Slender Wings
  25. Effect of Support on Vortex Breakdown of Delta Wing in Dynamic Tests
  26. By correlation analysis of statistical breakdown location data it indicates that there is a negative correlation between signals of left and right vortex breakdown location after low pass filter.
  27. The Effects of Unsteady Perturbation on Vortex Breakdown
  28. It is found that the casing treatment could delay the tip leakage vortex breakdown and bleed the blockage zone caused by the tip leakage vortex breakdown into treatment slots, and therefore extend the stall margin of transonic compressor effectively.
  29. Arising from the debate upon the breaking time of the stratospheric polar vortex in boreal spring, an observational study of the relation between stratospheric polar vortex breakdown and the boreal extra-tropical circulation was performed in this paper.
  30. UNSTEADY CHARACTER OF VORTEX BREAKDOWN FLOW FIELD S The velocity field resulting from vortex flow and its numerical simulations